Sign up

Trakt to Notion is a subscription based service. In order to start synchronizing your data, you will need to subscribe to a monthly subscription. If you haven’t done it in the sign-up flow, you can always reach it suing the Subscribe link in the top menu.

Authorize Notion

Click “Authorize” and follow the process.

Important! Make sure you have selected “Use the template provided by the developer”.

Enter Trakt username and Notion Ids

In order to get the synchronization running, we need your Trakt username and the Notion database ids.

Notion database fields

  • Go to your Notion page called “Media database”. Open the “Trakt history” page and copy the id from the URL
  • Paste the id into the “Notion view history database” field.
  • Then go to the “Movies and TV” page and do the same for the “Notion media database” field
  • The fields will be validated on save

If everything is correct, you will now see the button “Start sync”. Click that and the synchronization will start as soon as possible.


If you remove or change any of the required fields in the databases, synchronization will not work as expected (if at all).

  • Delete the Media page with the two databases
  • Go to settings in Trakt to Notion and re-authorize Notion to create the Media page
    ⚠️ NOTE: This will, besides setting up new Notion databases, also reset synchronization status for all your media. So next time you do a sync, all Trakt history and Media objects will be created again.
  • Enter the new Notion media database and Notion view history database

If you continue to have any issues, send us an email at